About the Artist, Emily Choi

As a native of South Korea, Emily's work reflects the influence of her early experiences with the East Asian style of ink painting. She wants her artwork to draw the viewer into a relaxed and flowing space, so her works often focus on creating a subtle interplay between the positive and negative spaces, inviting the viewer to engage freely with these flowing landscapes.

Currently, Emily is a teaching artist specializing in printmaking and cyanotype at Bowood Farms' Studio (St. Louis, MO), and she does website design for Advanced Leisure.com, a digital lifestyle magazine dedicated to all things leisurely.

You can follow Emily on Instagram at @emilyelizachoi or contact her directly via email at emilychoimoog@gmail.com

*Emily also teacher East Asian Folk Art Classes at Bowood. These photos were provided by Robin from Bowood Farms Studios. Thank you, Robin. :)